Cedar Point Cottagers Association Logo

About Us

Your Local Cottager's Association 

Across from Beckwith Island and adjacent to Thunder Beach, the community of Cedar Point has spent the better part of the past century enjoying the splendor of the Georgian Bay.

By 1950, nearly two-dozen families called Cedar Point their summer home. Our cottagers’ association was founded soon after when a number of families committed to shared stewardship of the beaches stretching between the Christian Island ferry dock and Marks Point. At this time, there was one access road and a general store. In the sixties, a second upper road was put in, allowing access to more lots and development. Despite the increase in permanent and seasonal residents, Cedar Point has retained its tucked-away mystique – a gem nestled at the edge of Simcoe County at the top of Nottawasaga Bay.

Our mandate is to protect and enhance the cottage community we cherish, and our board oversees such issues as waterfront safety, fire prevention, and environmental protection.

Looking to join the association?

Our only criteria are that you are a resident, seasonal or permanent of Cedar Point. Contact us today to activate your membership!

Board of Directors

Meet Our Board Of Directors!

Jamie Blundell


Leah Shelly


Patrick Arkeveld

Vice President

Paul Reid


Allison Stroz


Michael Cleary

Past President

Cam Gardner


Rick Hayward


Kelly Whittaker


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